Reduce your heat loss in your large, open premises using Destratification Fans
Everyone learns at school that hot air rises, but destratification fans reverse the natural convection process, recirculating a building’s hot air back down to working level. This reduces heat loss and provides a more even distribution of heat.
Destratification fans are ideal for industrial and commercial properties
Warehouses and workshops lose a lot of heat due to their tall ceilings, making destratification the perfect compliment to traditional heating systems. Our fan systems keep your warm air at a low level where it is needed, working in concert with your other heating solutions to increase efficiency.
The key benefits of our destratification fans include:
• Enables you to reduce your fuel consumption by up to 15%
• A reduced pre-heat time for your buildings
• More even heat distribution, providing a higher comfort level
This page displays our destratification offerings, select one for more information!